Nice! This one sounds like a no-brainer. Did it look like there were any gotchas for people trying to upgrade from 1.X? Ever since Vite screwed everyone over moving to 3.0 I hesitate to assume upgrades are minimal.

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Hey Michael,

I'm not an Astro user myself (sadly) so I can't speak from first hand experience but I dug around a bit. Based on the official migration guide to Astro v2, the only thing that seems like a bit more troublesome for legacy users is the removal of support for Astro-Flavored Markdown.

In their GitHub changelog for v 2.0.0 there's a more detailed guide about actually doing the migration than in the post on the main site. Can be helpful as it shows actual code bits. https://github.com/withastro/astro/blob/main/packages/astro/CHANGELOG.md#200

The internal Vite upgrade has a tiny chance to affect developers. I took a better look at the GitHub issues surrounding version 4 and one stud out to me about it not respecting some asset paths in the same manner as v 3 did. See: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/11424

Hopefully if this becomes a problem it would be handled by the Astro team.

I would also love to learn from people with first hand experience who went through an actual upgrade. Let us know if that's you :)

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